Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Creative Process


  Today my mom was teaching me composition skills to use in writing. She said that writers and artists use sort of the same creative process, so we talked about how artists and writers develop ideas in their work. I had to be an artist and do an art project to show how you move from an idea to a finished project. Using Model Magic, first I tried making the Eiffel Tower which sadly collapsed. My second attempt was to try and make a car, but the wheels were too big and therefore I squashed it. Finally (third time is always the charm)I made Mount Rushmore. My mom then told me to stop and take five minutes to add something. I added trees made out of pipe cleaners. Next she told me to stop and take two minutes to remove something. I removed the words "Mt. Rushmore" I put on the bottom of my mountain. Then she gave me two more minutes to change something. I added more trees and dug out a cave in the back of the mountain. I added a title to my work: Wyatt's Mount Rushmore! I learned how ideas can change as you work and how important it is to stop and rethink as you go along.


  1. I think I prefer Wyatt's Mt.Rushmore to the one in North Dakota with the presidents.

  2. Hey Wyatt, Your dad is here and we all miss you!I think both of your Mt. Rushmores are cool but I like the one on the bottom more because it looks like an alien or like you.

  3. Gee, thanks W.K.! Actually I think it looks more like you! :P
